Georgia Gold Coins

Larry Jackson Numismatics is Georgia’s gold coins largest buyer and specialists. We strive to pay the most for your gold, silver, and platinum coins. With over 45 years of experience we have the knowledge and expertise to handle any size collection.
Whether you are looking to sell a small quantity or very large we are more then happy to assist you. We have a very honest and dedicated staff that will make you feel safe and secure in selling your unwanted gold and silver coins.Our mission is to make sure that our customers receive a fair value for their coins and that they leave feeling better then they did coming in. It is crucial that you find a reputable dealer when looking to sell gold and silver coins.
With over 35 years of experience and establishment in the Georgia area we feel certain that you will find that our reputation precedes us.
Please call us anytime with questions on selling your coins, and remember there is no charge just to tell you what we would pay. We love what we do and we are more then happy to assist you, so stop in or call us today.